New platform for victims of chemical submission
Faced with the worrying increase in cases of chemical submission, a new platform has just been launched to help victims. Managed by the Reference Center on Substance-Facilitated Assaults (CRAFS), this platform offers information, medical and psychological support, and guides victims in their efforts. This initiative is essential to combat this insidious crime that affects many people each year.
What is chemical submission?
Chemical subjugation involves the unwitting administration of psychoactive substances, such as GHB or benzodiazepines, to a person in order to make them vulnerable to assault, often for sexual purposes. Symptoms include memory loss, drowsiness, and sometimes total amnesia of the events. These effects make it difficult to denounce the attacker, since victims often wake up with no clear memory of the assault.
The profiles of victims of chemical submission are varied, of all ages and genders. Psychological consequences, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), are common and guilt often prevents victims from seeking help. MP Sandrine Josso, herself a victim of chemical submission, testifies to the impact of this form of violence on her life and the need for appropriate care.
A dedicated platform to support victims
The CRAFS platform (accessible via lecrafs.com ) offers victims a secure space to learn about their rights, access psychological support services, and take legal action if they wish. Victims can report cases of assault and obtain a referral to toxicological analyses to prove the presence of substances in their body. This platform is managed by pharmacologists trained in sexist and sexual violence, providing support based on non-judgment and consideration for victims.
Why is this platform essential?
Lack of awareness and difficulty in obtaining rapid assistance make the management of cases of chemical submission particularly complex. In France, in 2022, more than 1,900 suspected cases were recorded, and the number continues to rise. This increase in reports reflects a greater collective awareness of the problem, but also the need for organized and accessible support.
The CRAFS platform aims to be a resource center for victims, their loved ones, and healthcare professionals. It also centralizes data on substance-facilitated assaults in order to improve prevention and the authorities' response to this phenomenon. At the same time, associations such as #MendorsPas continue their work of awareness and support, offering practical advice and organizing information campaigns to prevent and combat chemical submission.
A step towards prevention and awareness
By providing simplified access to resources and comprehensive support, the CRAFS platform marks an important turning point in the fight against chemical submission violence. It not only meets the immediate needs of victims, but also strengthens prevention through a better understanding of the mechanisms of this type of aggression.
Whether by raising awareness among the general public, training health professionals, or supporting victims, this initiative represents a significant step forward in the fight against this scourge. To get help, consulting the CRAFS platform is a crucial first step towards justice and reconstruction.