Verre de Purple Drank (Syrup) contenant codéine et prométhazine, drogue populaire en France. Dépistage avec test salivaire drogue rapide et fiable.

Purple Drank (Lean): A Dangerous and Widespread Drug

Purple Drank , also called Lean , Sizzurp or Syzzurp , is a drug composed mainly of codeine and promethazine . Popularized by the American rap scene, it has become a global phenomenon, particularly affecting young people and party circles. Behind its harmless appearance, this sugary drink hides serious side effects and a high risk of addiction . In this article, we will explore the composition of Purple Drank, its effects, its dangers and the means of detection.

Origin and popularization of Purple Drank

Purple Drank appeared in the 90s in the United States , particularly in the hip-hop and rap culture of the south of the country . Artists such as DJ Screw, Lil Wayne or Future contributed to its popularization by evoking it in their songs and displaying it in their videos.

👉 Why “Purple Drank”? The drink takes on a purple hue due to the syrup used, which often contains promethazine and codeine , two substances with sedative effects.

Its appearance in France

In France, this drug began to emerge in the early 2010s , particularly in party circles and among young adults . Its misuse has intensified with the influence of social networks and the dissemination of music videos glorifying its effects.

Faced with the increase in cases of abuse and poisoning, health authorities decided in July 2017 to ban the over-the-counter sale of codeine . Since then, obtaining it requires a medical prescription , thus limiting its access and reducing the risks of diversion for recreational purposes.

Composition of Purple Drank

Purple Drank is a cocktail of drugs mixed with soda and sometimes candy to mask the bitter taste.

📌 Common Purple Drank Ingredients:

  • Codeine (present in certain cough syrups such as Tussipax® or Neocodion®): an opioid with analgesic and sedative effects.
  • Promethazine (contained in antihistamines such as Phenergan®): amplifies the effect of codeine and causes severe drowsiness.
  • Soda (Sprite, Fanta, etc.) : Serves as a liquid base and masks the taste of medications.
  • Jolly Rancher type candies : added to further sweeten the drink and give it a colorful appearance.

Desired effects and dangers

🚀 Effects sought by consumers:

  • Feeling of euphoria and well-being.
  • Intense relaxation, state of drowsiness.
  • Impression of floating and slowing down of time.

Side effects and dangers:

  • Respiratory depression (risk of coma and cardiac arrest).
  • Strong physical and psychological dependence.
  • Memory and concentration problems.
  • Increased risk of accidents and dangerous behavior.
  • Toxic mixture with alcohol or other sedative drugs.

📢 Note: DJ Screw, one of the first rappers to promote this drug, died of a codeine overdose in 2000 .

Regulations in France

Since July 2017 , codeine has been banned from over-the-counter sales in France. It is now only available on prescription in order to limit its misuse.

🚨 Consequence: Some consumers turn to the black market or more dangerous alternatives, such as tramadol or even more powerful opioids.

Purple Drank Screening

Codeine screening is possible using several methods adapted to the context:

  • Urine test : Detects codeine up to 48 hours after consumption.
  • Saliva test : Detects the presence of codeine up to 24 hours after ingestion.
  • Blood test : Offers more accurate detection, but is rarely used outside a specialized medical setting.

👉 Our Drugdiag® urine tests can detect codeine under the MOP (natural opiates) category , guaranteeing reliable and rapid screening.

📌 Please note: The detection window varies depending on the dose consumed, the individual's metabolism and the frequency of use.


Purple Drank is a deceptively accessible drug that exposes users to serious risks, including addiction and overdose . Behind a festive appearance and popular culture, this drug cocktail is highly toxic and dangerous .

💡 Prevention and awareness are essential to protect young people and limit the dangers associated with this consumption.

📌 Need reliable screening tests? Discover our tailored solutions on AMA Prevention .

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