
Étude sur l'inefficacité des sprays Kleaner Anti-THC : tests salivaires, persistance du THC, prévention, sécurité routière et dépistage fiable.

Study on the ineffectiveness of Kleaner Anti TH...

Kleaner Spray Anti THC is attracting growing interest as a purported solution to removing THC from saliva, particularly in the context of driving under the influence of drugs. This product...

Study on the ineffectiveness of Kleaner Anti TH...

Kleaner Spray Anti THC is attracting growing interest as a purported solution to removing THC from saliva, particularly in the context of driving under the influence of drugs. This product...

Légalisation du cannabis récréatif en Allemagne : nouvelle ère, réglementation THC, tests salivaires, prévention, impacts sociaux et économiques.

Legalization of recreational cannabis in German...

The German Bundestag took a historic step on Friday February 23 by voting in favor of legalizing cannabis for recreational use . This decision, which will come into force on...

Legalization of recreational cannabis in German...

The German Bundestag took a historic step on Friday February 23 by voting in favor of legalizing cannabis for recreational use . This decision, which will come into force on...

Mobilisation des organisateurs d'événements à Strasbourg : lutte contre la soumission chimique, capotes de verre, tests GHB, sensibilisation et prévention.

The mobilization of event organizers against ch...

The mobilization against chemical submission in Strasbourg In Strasbourg, nightlife is a vibrant part of the local culture, attracting thousands of attendees across the city to enjoy a variety of...

The mobilization of event organizers against ch...

The mobilization against chemical submission in Strasbourg In Strasbourg, nightlife is a vibrant part of the local culture, attracting thousands of attendees across the city to enjoy a variety of...

Réduction des risques liés à la consommation de drogues : prévention, approche inclusive, tests salivaires et urinaires, sécurité et sensibilisation.

Reducing Risks Associated with Drug Consumption...

Launched by the public authorities, the policy to reduce risks and harm to drug users is an initiative of the highest importance. Its fundamental objective is to prevent the transmission...

Reducing Risks Associated with Drug Consumption...

Launched by the public authorities, the policy to reduce risks and harm to drug users is an initiative of the highest importance. Its fundamental objective is to prevent the transmission...

Black Out : lutte contre la soumission chimique en Nouvelle-Calédonie, Jérôme Roumagne, sensibilisation, prévention GHB, sécurité et justice.

Black Out: Fight against Chemical Submission in...

The suffocating silence surrounding chemical submission, this sneaky weapon used by some to subjugate their victims, is beginning to break in New Caledonia. A revealing documentary, carried by Jérome Roumagne,...

Black Out: Fight against Chemical Submission in...

The suffocating silence surrounding chemical submission, this sneaky weapon used by some to subjugate their victims, is beginning to break in New Caledonia. A revealing documentary, carried by Jérome Roumagne,...

Vue aérienne d'une voiture roulant sur une route dégagée en forêt, illustrant la sécurité routière et les dangers des stupéfiants au volant.

Road Safety: Our THC and Multi-Drug Saliva Test...

Road Safety is launching an awareness campaign on the serious consequences of drug use while driving, a major factor in accidents on French roads. The figures are alarming: according to...

Road Safety: Our THC and Multi-Drug Saliva Test...

Road Safety is launching an awareness campaign on the serious consequences of drug use while driving, a major factor in accidents on French roads. The figures are alarming: according to...